We welcome walk-in prayer recipients on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00. If you are seeking prayer with us then you may feel free to come to 112 East Main Street, the lower level, at that time. You will be greeted by a kind soul who will provide you a sign in sheet that will help a prayer team know the circumstances over which you would like prayer. After the information is returned to the greeter, feel free to sit in the waiting area and soak in the atmosphere.
The prayer team will be given your information. They will pray as a team seeking the Lord’s guidance on how to best serve you. When they are ready, they will come to the waiting area and walk with you to one of the prayer rooms.
The prayer room will have 2-3 prayer team members. They will provide you a comfortable seat, have a short discussion with you about your concerns and then invite you to relax and receive as they prayer with you and for you. As the Spirit leads their prayers, they may casually stop and share something laid on their hearts about your circumstances or ask you some questions about what they are hearing from the Lord. If you are feeling anything stirring in your spirit and have any impressions being laid on you from the Spirit at this time, feel free to share. Such information will help the team serve you and follow the lead of the Spirit.
If you have come for physical healing, the team may ask you to try to do something you couldn’t do before. They might ask for a report on your pain level. Whatever the case is, please be honest with the team. Do not be afraid of hurting their feelings if you don’t sense any improvement at that time. They want to know so they know better how to proceed and pray with you for breakthrough in that area.
The time will come to an end eventually. In most cases, the process with the prayer team takes 20 to 30 minutes. The team will be willing to pray with you as the Spirit leads or as long as you are comfortable. In no way are you obligated to remain for any prescribed amount of time.
Our goal is to see you be touched by God and His great love for you. We don’t pretend to know exactly what you need. We aren’t counselors of therapists. We are people who are willing to pray with you so that you can experience all that God has for you and we know that is far more than any of us can fully fathom. When you leave, we want to see you spirit touched by His.
If you are willing, we invite you to send a note of your experience as a testimony to help build others faith in the process. If you are super excited to share, then we would love a video of your story and your permission to post it online.